How Does Proactive System Monitoring Help Prevent Issues?

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    How Does Proactive System Monitoring Help Prevent Issues?

    When it comes to maintaining system integrity and avoiding costly downtime, insight from IT professionals’ learned experience is invaluable. We asked experts, including a cybersecurity services CEO, to share instances when proactive systems monitoring averted potential disaster. Their stories reveal a range of strategies, from running hacking simulations to leveraging AI, that showcase how vigilance in IT can make all the difference.

    • Hacking Simulation Reveals Weaknesses
    • Business Metrics Monitoring Prevents Downtime
    • Network Monitoring Thwarts DDoS Attack
    • AI-Powered Anomaly Detection Averts Data Breach

    Hacking Simulation Reveals Weaknesses

    As a recruiter, I'm maintaining many databases at once, all at varying levels of privacy and protection. Keeping them secure is key, so I don't wait for a breach to evaluate security.

    Proactively monitoring database security involves a few techniques. One is password best practices. Recently, I ran a hacking simulation on some of my upper-level databases. While most employees were utilizing carefully selected and unique passwords, a few could stand to be beefed up. I brought all workers in for a brief training session and outlined the stakes, and we developed a tighter protocol.

    Actively hunting for vulnerabilities allows me to deal with laxity before it becomes an issue.

    Rob Reeves
    Rob ReevesCEO and President, Redfish Technology

    Business Metrics Monitoring Prevents Downtime

    On one of my projects, I managed a team that was responsible for the system providing access to the cash register for 14,000 of our employees. I understood that this system should be as stable as possible, so my team and I organized a high level of monitoring of our system.

    One of the indicators was the percentage of employees with no access to cash registers out of their total number. Our company has undergone major personnel changes, with many of our employees having their positions changed. The system responsible for recording this data failed and marked many employees as 'fired.' Of course, the access system reacted to this and began to revoke access from employees. Thanks to monitoring that seemed useless, we learned about the problem in time and avoided downtime at our 3,500 stores.

    Feel free to create business metrics for your system; they can save your company money.

    Viktoria Dolzhenko
    Viktoria DolzhenkoTeam Lead, Itez

    Network Monitoring Thwarts DDoS Attack

    At Tech Advisors, proactive monitoring has proven invaluable on several occasions. For instance, our use of comprehensive network-monitoring tools enabled early detection of an abnormal surge in traffic to one of our critical application servers. By identifying this anomaly, which turned out to be a DDoS attack attempt, we were able to swiftly reroute traffic and implement additional security measures to mitigate the attack, preventing significant downtime and potential data compromise.

    In another case, our proactive monitoring systems flagged an unusual pattern of database queries that were not in line with typical usage. Upon investigation, it was revealed to be an internal configuration error that could have led to severe performance degradation during peak business hours. By catching this issue early, we adjusted the configurations accordingly, ensuring that the system operated smoothly and efficiently during high-demand periods.

    Konrad Martin
    Konrad MartinCEO, Tech Advisors

    AI-Powered Anomaly Detection Averts Data Breach

    At Zibtek, we experienced a significant instance where proactive monitoring of our systems helped prevent a major issue, particularly related to potential data breaches. We had implemented a comprehensive monitoring system that included the use of advanced anomaly-detection tools powered by artificial intelligence. This system was designed to flag unusual activity patterns that could indicate a security threat.

    The system identified an unusual spike in database read operations that did not correlate with typical user activity patterns. This was flagged immediately, and our IT team was alerted.

    Upon receiving the alert, our team conducted a rapid audit and discovered unauthorized access attempts. We were able to block these attempts and further strengthen our security measures by tightening firewall rules and enhancing our access controls.

    The proactive monitoring system not only prevented a potential data breach but also reinforced the importance of having real-time, responsive monitoring tools in place. This incident was a clear example of how technology can be leveraged to safeguard critical business and customer data.

    For IT professionals looking to enhance their system security, I recommend investing in intelligent monitoring solutions that can predict and prevent issues before they escalate. Regularly updating these systems and training your team on the latest security threats are also crucial steps in maintaining robust IT security.

    This proactive approach to IT security has proven essential in managing and mitigating risks in today’s digital landscape, ensuring that our systems remain secure and our data is protected.

    Cache Merrill
    Cache MerrillFounder, Zibtek