What are websites that cure boredom? 10 Answers

What are websites that cure boredom?
What is a website that cures boredom? From Reddit to YouTube to TheMoth.org, here are 10 answers to what websites cure boredom:
- Letssettlethis.com
- Quora.com
- YouTube
- New York Times’ Advice Column Social Q’s
- Bored Panda
- Oatmeal
- Apartment Therapy
- TheMoth.org
Reddit (https://reddit.com) is a place where you can find interesting stories from users, opinions, pictures and little slices of life from all over the globe. There are plenty of famous (and infamous) sub forums that have become so popular that they're used for article sources on major search engine providers like google and Yahoo.
Needless to say, Reddit can be a near endless source of entertainment, though I wouldn't advise doing too much binging during work hours.
Aside from NSFW content, Reddit can be a bit of a rabbit hole. You can easily lose track of time just navigating through the posts. That said, this is my go-to website when I'm feeling bored.

I have an inquisitive mind and I also like to see what people think of fun but not so serious issues, so I will often go to the website “Let’s Settle This (https://letssettlethis.com)”, because it is the perfect one to cure my boredom. Some websites have fun facts but do not have a participatory element, while others are too serious, but “Let’s Settle This” is the perfect combination to create an enjoyable way of passing the time. Whether it is fun controversies like whether the dress is black or gold, or old time favorites such as determining which came first, the chicken or the egg, “Let’s Settle This”, allows your voice to be heard, and at the same time, see how others chimed in. If you are looking for something to interest your curious side but also not be too taxing, “Let’s Settle This” is a great way to cure boredom.

I enjoy spending time on this site more than any other. I enjoy reading the answers to the various questions about just about everything. Whether it's about life, self-improvement, or travel. Learning about other people's worldviews keeps me so engaged.
I also love learning from everyone and being inspired, because, before Quora, I couldn't learn about the experiences of people living thousands of miles away from me.
Quora (https://quora.com) has built (almost by accident) a community of intelligent, educated, and knowledgeable people from all over the world who work together peacefully to create an unprecedented database of verified answers to real questions. It absolutely cures my boredom.
Watching YouTube (https://youtube.com) videos is a great way to decompress the mind from a busy schedule, or appease my mind while relaxing at home. This is beneficial because it serves as a way for me to refocus and break the cycle of monotonous work and to simply occupy my time with subject matter that interests me. Furthermore, YouTube offers millions of videos of all topics, including sports, news, music, pop culture, finance, health, and everything else, so it’s super easy to find a video that interests me. YouTube is flexible and has a wellspring of content to enjoy at any given time, thus is one of my go-to websites to cure my boredom.

New York Times’ Advice Column Social Q’s
New York Times’ advice column Social Q’s (https://www.nytimes.com/column/social-qs) is a perfect blend of bite-sized compelling drama paired with making me think about my own sense of morality and social code.
The advice given by the columnist Philip Galanes often lines up with my take, but the departures from my opinion fascinate me even more.
I often empathize with those asking for advice, but sometimes the askers baffle me in their strange perspective of an equally strange situation. Seeing a measured response to these entirely different slices of life is satisfying and satiates my love for gossip, the perfect recipe for avoiding boredom.

Bored Panda
Here's why I love Bored Panda (https://www.boredpanda.com/); their articles are based on real stories or rather real posts from real people, which are then combined into an article. Some of these real stories are usually borrowed from Reddit, or other social media platforms. For instance, here is a title to one really interesting article that I have read recently, "30 Parents Share The Moment They Were Appalled by Their Own Kid". You get to read really interesting things kids can get up to.
Also, since Reddit is mostly anonymous, people get to be very honest about their deepest feelings. You can actually relate to some of the posts listed in the article. Sometimes it's just great to know that you're not the only one with crazy thoughts out here.

I would suggest having a fun comic-reading time with Oatmeal (https://theoatmeal.com/). It is home to a vast collection of witty, everyday life-focused comic strips by artist Matthew Inman. Inman publishes all of his most recent artwork in addition to the occasional article on his website, The Oatmeal. It's simple to lose a significant portion of an afternoon looking through an infinite number of comics that poke fun at daily life. Your boring time will no longer be boring and time will go by quickly once you open the website! What's better is the artist not only makes entertaining and amusing comics, his pieces get poignant and moving as well.

Apartment Therapy
Apartment Therapy (https://www.apartmenttherapy.com/) is a website you can find yourself spending countless hours on if you even have a passing interest in DIY crafts or home décor. There is a huge amount of amazing textual and visual information on this site. They also feature a good amount of helpful articles with advice on everything from how to remodel your staircase to ways to utilize the uncomfortable space over your refrigerator. Here, there is no shortage of interesting and helpful information, making it ideal for endless surfing.

TheMoth.org (https://themoth.org) is my consistent boredom buster. With a huge variety of themes, the site features stories from all around the world, from Australia to Alabama, only five minutes maximum. I can take a quick break and listen to one or enjoy a bunch during lunch or after work. I always find people unabashedly baring their truths inspiring and there’s no way to be bored listening intimately to a stranger telling their story as they remember it. TheMoth.org is my go-to site for curing boredom.

There's no better way to cure boredom than by challenging your mind to think. Terkel (https://terkel.io) poses interesting questions that ask visitors to share their expertise and experience. Yeah, not a lot of people like to write or work when they're bored. But, having an outlet to share in a meangingful way helps pass the time and can help you feel good by working out your mind.
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